On the Road with Michael Yamashita

At the third edition of the Nomadic Photography Festival “Molichrom”, we had the honor and pleasure of meeting and interviewing Japanese American photographer Michael Yamashita.
Starting in the footsteps of Marco Polo, his well-known work exhibited during the Festival in Campobasso, we retrace the story of a great photographer and the importance in never stopping, making storytelling the second soul of photography.

In occasione della terza edizione del Festival della Fotografia Nomade “Molichrom” abbiamo avuto l’onore ed il piacere di conoscere ed intervistare il fotografo americano giapponese Michael Yamashita.
Partendo dalle tracce di Marco Polo, suo noto lavoro esposto durante il Festival a Campobasso, ripercorriamo la storia di un grande fotografo e l’importanza nel non fermarsi mai, facendo della narrazione la seconda anima della fotografia.


Born in 1949 in San FranciscoCalifornia, and raised in Montclair, New Jersey. Yamashita graduated from Montclair Academy in 1967. He graduated from Wesleyan University with a degree in Asian studies, and after college in 1971, he traveled to Japan to teach English. After joining a photo club to work on his Japanese, he was inspired to pursue photography professionally. After living and shooting throughout Asia for seven years, he returned to the US where he started working for the National Geographic in 1979. Since then, he has traveled and photographed places as diverse as SomaliaSudanEnglandIreland, and Papua New Guinea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran, with special concentration on Asia & the Silk Road, including Japan, China and Tibet. He is also a frequent lecturer, including with TedX, teaches and conducts photo workshops across Asia and the United States.

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